Training Measurement Research Study Results

Over the course of the past 12 months, we conducted an online research study where visitors to our website were anonymously surveyed across an area of topics related driving performance through investments in human capital. In particular, one such survey asked respondents the following question:

What is Stopping You from Measuring the Business Impact of Training?

From a list of predefined responses, here are the results for your viewing pleasure.
  1. It is too expensive--21%
  2. It is too difficult--34%
  3. We do not need to--9%
  4. We do not know how to--35%
  5. Other--1%
The results confirm incorrect perceptions that we hear from our clients about the difficulty and expense required to measure the impact of training.  The good news is that, done right, training's impact on the business can be measured quickly and inexpensively.  In fact, we have done it over 800 times.

Are false assumptions holding you back?  How would you answer the above question regarding training measurement or training best practices in general?

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