The Training Measurement Expectation Gap is Growing - Are You Prepared?

When we ask our HR and training clients about training measurement, almost 80% exclusively use general training metrics (number of courses, number of participants, hours trained, and participant satisfaction) to track and justify training investments.

When we ask line business leaders however, over 90% do not care about transactional training data.  They consistently tell us they want answers to three main questions when determining the value of corporate learning solutions:
  1. Are they using it?  They want to know how often participants are using the new skills and knowledge.
  2. Is it making a difference?  They want to know if the new skills are impacting not only employee performance but the key business metrics that matter most to the current strategy.
  3. What else do we need to do?  They want to know what other strategy, structure, process, technology, culture and talent moves to make in order to get the results that they desire.
Are you aligned with the needs of your business leaders?

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